Booty Parlor is working their magic once again with the Don’t Stop massage oil. When one thinks of massage oil, they may generally have the image of something runny and messy, that leaves skin feeling greased up. Not this massage oil! One of the many things I adore about it is that it rubs into your skin until it basically feels like lotion! Don’t Stop massage oil offers all that you want from your massage oil: not sticky, no residue or stains, feels wonderful on your skin, a sweet smell, and paraben free!

Note: This product is no longer available! We recommend Kama Sutra’s Massage Oil instead.

Name: Don’t Stop Massage Oil
Type: Massage Oil
By: Booty Parlor

Hearts: 5 Hearts
Quality: 5 Stars
Naughtiness: 2 Devils

Features: Not Sticky, No Residue, High Quality, Doubles as a bath oil

Don’t Stop…

As a lover of both giving and receiving massages, I was fully capable of giving this massage oil a thorough testing – and I absolutely love it. One of the things I really enjoy about it is that this massage oil also doubles as bath oil! I’m fairly sensitive to smells – the kind of person who really only uses vanilla perfume – but this massage oil has a really delightful smell that doesn’t overpower you. The mix is a perfect blend of plums, raspberries, jasmine, cedar, and sandalwood, resulting in a very relaxing experience for all of your senses.

Inside the adorable pink and black box was a round purple bottle, and inside the bottle, the clear massage oil. Actually getting the oil out of the bulbous bottle is a little challenging due to the design, but it just takes a bit of adjusting to get around. The box directs the user to pour a generous amount onto your hands and rub them together before beginning the massage to quote “bring up the heat”. The first time I massaged my partner, he couldn’t feel a difference in temperature, although I could. The second time I used it, he definitely noticed. It’s a very relaxing feeling for both the person giving the massage and the person receiving: when you’re giving the massage, you can feel the heat as you spread it along your partner. While receiving a massage, the massage oil just feels amazing.

Pros & Cons


  • Not sticky
  • Doesn’t stain
  • Rubs in to skin easily
  • Adds heat with contact


  • Somewhat difficult to get out of the bottle
  • Tends to dry quickly


Given that I’m a person who is fairly confident in their massaging abilities, I really love this massage oil by Booty Parlor. It’s luxurious in every sense, and truly feels like an indulgence for both parties involved. It’s perfect for everyone; a truly well rounded massage oil if there’s ever been one: easy to clean up, not sticky, doesn’t leave residue or stains, has a pleasant smell, heats as it goes, AND doubles as bath oil! I’d highly recommend it to anyone looking for a lovely massage oil.

Note: This product is no longer available! We recommend Kama Sutra’s Massage Oil instead.


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