
How to Cuff Yourself This Fall
As the weather cools down, fantasies of cozy evenings and warm sentimental Sundays are filling our daydreams. Sweater weather is not only the first symptom of the autumn season but another as well: cuffing season. You may or may not have the same snuggly feelings...
A Brief Guide to Romantic Orientation
Open your mind and explore your identity regarding romantic orientation.

16 Sexy Ways to Survive a Long Distance Relationship
How to keep connected when you’re in a long distance relationship
When Could You Use Hookup Sites?
There are many different situations you might want to give hookup sites a try. Maybe you’re on a trip and want a fleeting fling, want to explore new partners, or are seeking intimacy without the expectation of committed dating. No matter your reason for wanting to use...
7 Signs Your Partner Isn’t Right for You
Would it be better to leave and start over with someone more compatible?

Finding Self Love After a Break Up
Sometimes it is better to be alone than with someone who makes you feel alone. Part II of one author’s holiday break-up story.

How Women Can Stay Safe When Meeting Someone Off A Dating App
Meeting people online is a fairly common practice, and most of the time, it works out fine for everyone involved. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean that online dating is entirely without risk. There’s always a potential danger when meeting people for the first time,...
The Sexy Gifting Policy
How to spice up your sex life with a sexy surprise every month.

The Slutty Girl’s Guide to Fuckboys
How to outsmart the new era of cocky, self absorbed, disrespectful boys.