Become a Moderator

Slutty Girl Problems is looking for dedicated, passionate, and level-headed readers to serve as role models in our community and moderate  comments, member posts, and interactive areas.

Position: Junior Moderator
Industry: Mediation, Human Resources, Content Management
Days & Hours: Flexible

What are the responsibilities?

Moderators will serve as a role models in the community and also assist the Editor-in-Chief in moderating comments, member posts, and all activity in interactive areas. They are expected to:

  • Be a role model in our community. Actively participate, support others, and foster healthy conversations.
  • Remove inappropriate content, including content that is against our Terms and Conditions. (Don’t feed the trolls. Delete them!)
  • Have a healthy sense of fairness. Everyone is welcome to express their opinion, and members don’t have to agree. However, there is a different between debating and respectfully disagreeing, versus purposefully inflaming with bad intentions. Knowing that fine line, and knowing when to step in to keep the peace, is the most important part of moderation.

Why be a moderator?

  • Get INVOLVED.  As a moderator, you become the mediator and peace-keeper of our forums and interactive areas. You have the unique opportunity to make a difference, encourage positivity, and eliminate trolls.
  • Get EXPOSURE.  When you moderator for SGP, your username and bio will get exposure on Our Team page, and you’ll have a special designation on your profile.
  • Get EXPERIENCE.  Your experience can be used on a resume, college, or job application, and our founders and editors can be used as a reference.
  • Get PERKS. Moderators get online discounts, special access, and invitations to SGP events when available. You’ll also be first to know about exclusive contests and giveaways, and may get free products!

To Apply

Must be 18 or older to apply.

  • Copy and paste THIS APPLICATION into a document and fill it out entirely.
  • Copy and paste THIS DOCUMENT into a document.  Agree to the terms by writing your name and the date.
  • Save both files AS PDFs and attach them to an email.
  • Attach any writing sample(s) to the email as .doc, .docx, or .pages files. This is not necessary
  • Send to [email protected] with the subject “Application for (Your Name)”.

If you have any questions about the job, e-mail [email protected], but do not e-mail with questions about our hiring process, when you will hear back, etc.


By submitting, you agree that your content becomes the property of Slutty Girl Problems LLC, and we have the right to use it. By submitting this content, you have read and agree to our Terms and Conditions and Submission Agreement.