There’s not a whole lot sexually that I haven’t done—and there’s not a whole lot in the world of dating that I haven’t experienced first-hand. This, combined with my advanced degree in mental health, create my unique capability of dispensing valuable knowledge… and humor. Don’t forget the humor (it’s important, even with pissed-off manifestos such as this, to be funny).
So, without any further ado, here’s my letter to my current slut shamer, who will remain anonymous.
Dear Slut Shamer,
You don’t have to be brave—no one said you had to be. You can continue to live in the world un-individuated. You can continue to live your little picket-fenced lie. But that’s not going to stop me from being brave. Know that every time I write I write for me, not you. You don’t have the capability to shut me down. I write for the little girl inside of me who was afraid to speak. I write for the teenaged girl inside of me who is clinically depressed and ignored. I write for the 20 year old artist, struggling to make ends meet in New York City.
I don’t write to defend myself. I write to offend your sensibilities. The guarded, shame-based way you talk about sex needs to be re-authored. Our bodies are our own, meant to be explored, written about, photographed and talked about. It’s more important than ever for women to be creating their own sexual images and words to adequately depict our reality. I don’t expect you to know that though. You’re a chick with a bad case of internalized misogyny.
You want to slut-shame me? Honey, I’ve been slut-shamed my entire life—usually by gutless wonders who were un-individuated like yourself and even by my own mother. There’s nothing you can say to me that hasn’t been said before.
I happen to like cock. I happen to like pussy. I happen to enjoy my dalliances with both. I don’t believe in monogamy. I am a single mother. I use birth control. I speak openly about sex. I can go on and on, ad infinitum.
My advice to you? Stay in your own lane. The internet is a big place. Go elsewhere if you find me offensive.
Cuz I walk with Slut Pride.
With Love & Squalor,