How to Eat Pussy Like a Rockstar is nearly a full novel on eating pussy, and it’s full of everything you could think of to make it as pleasurable as possible. Believe it or not, YES, that’s how much there is to know about the act.
Before I opened this book, I thought that it might repeat itself, become boring, go over things that we already know, or be an erotic read rather than an information guide. Yet, all of my these thoughts were completely wrong. Rather, this booked helped me learn some things about my own body, and giving & receiving pleasure, that I hadn’t even thought of before. The information is thorough, well-researched, and written in a manner that is both accessible and enlightening to all levels of adult readership. Men and women alike would benefit from giving this book a chance, whether you’re giving or receiving oral (or both!).
The book goes through a detailed account of everything you need to know about eating pussy. It starts off with an introduction, then goes through the different types of female orgasms, anatomy, techniques, foreplay, roleplay, positions, and the especially important health concerns and risks. Every single aspect of eating pussy is touched on in this book, leaving no questions unanswered. There are photos scattered throughout the book, including diagrams, illustrations of tips, and others just for fun. The pictures included serve as a break between blocks of words and also drive home some concepts. They are well spread out and all very relative to the section they are included in. The book is set up as any normal novel or informational guide, complete with easy-to-read spacing and colors that liven up the pages.
How to Eat Pussy Like a Rockstar should be on every grown adult’s bookshelf (well, digital bookshelf). This book is not just for men, or for people who eat pussy. In fact, I (a non-pussy-eater) found it probably just as helpful to read as my boyfriend would, and helped me to advocate for my own pleasure in the bedroom. There are so many facts about vaginas that are not taught in health class, and most people will never know if not for well-articulated books like this.
Author Amy Fillmore does a fantastic job of showing the reader what is important about oral sex, including that often, sex is filled with emotions that are not directly related to the act itself. She reminds the reader to take care of his or her partner, and includes different emotional, mental, and supportive tips that you can use when your partner is feeling a certain way or had a bad/good day. This is SO important to intimacy and connection, yet is so often overlooked.
I can honestly say that I don’t thinks there’s a single point missed in this book. Every aspect of oral sex is covered, and the Tips, Warnings, and Remembers that she throws in could serve as their own quick how-to guide for the time-challenged. For men especially, this book will open your eyes to the incredibly complicated organ that is the vagina, and for women, this book will teach you mountains about a part of yourself you thought you knew well. Even if you know the entire anatomy of a vagina, some of the tips and tricks will help you realize the things you like in bed, and can even serve as a starting point for improving your sex life with a partner. Sharing this book and opening a dialogue about the things you like, don’t like, and would be open to trying, can bring a level of sexual closeness you or your partner might not have felt before.
Sex is a very complicated subject, oral or otherwise. This book is easy to read and insightful, and taught me plenty about my own body that I never knew or didn’t have the words to speak. I urge everyone to at least skim the book and share it with your partner. There are many tips and tricks scattered for people with different preferences, and Fillmore is quick to point out that not every person is the same, and what some will enjoy, others will despise. She encourages open communication between partners so that everyone will have an enjoyable experience, and cautions often that what you give is what you receive (take a pointer, guys).
This is an understandable, yet in-depth read. Fillmore doesn’t waste words on unrelated things, and leaves you with a sense of having learned something immediately. The set up of the book is easy to understand, and can be used as a reference guide every once in a while or a serious schooling on how to eat pussy, right now. Anyone, guy or girl, will appreciate giving the book a chance!