There’s no shortage of questionable sex tips out there. Some are just so strange though that you can’t help but wonder if there’s some truth to them − because who would make this shit up?!

Enter Auntie Angel. Also known as Denise Walker, Auntie Angel is a Chicago based sex educator. She is most well-known for her series of DVDs teaching women a variety of sexual skills. Most recently though, Angel gained a boost in popularity when her ‘Grapefruit Blowjob ‘ video went viral. If you haven’t already heard of it (and even if you have), you can watch it below:

This should go without saying, but this video is definitely NSFW. There are also some pretty CRAZY sound effects involved, so you may want to plug in your headphones.

Auntie Angel might swear by this technique, but the three guys I suggested it to (for SCIENCE) all said no. I guess that’s why Angel suggests a blindfold! It seems like this is one blowjob trick that’s a tip to skip.

What do YOU think about the grapefruit blowjob technique? Would you give it a go with your guy? Have you already? Does it live up to the hype? Let us know in the comments!