It happens to the best of us. Maybe you’re in a long-term relationship where the passion has started to fizzle. Maybe you’re depressed, busy, or stressed. Or perhaps you’re on a hormonal rollercoaster due to pregnancy or recent childbirth. Whatever the reason(s), there comes a time in every slut’s life where she may settle for a lackluster sex life or little to no sex at all.
Here are some of our favorite tips for reawakening the slut within:

1. Masturbation & More Frequent Sex
It may sound counterintuitive, but masturbation and more frequent sex, even when you don’t really feel like it, can rev your engine so that you are hungry for more sexual stimulation. Masturbation and sex are healthy for you both physically and mentally, and sex or stimulation equals more desire. So make time for it, and do your best to get into it or make the most of it when it’s happening. Increase the frequency and your hormones will soon take over.

2. Fantasizing
This can be done during tip #1, in the shower, on the way to work, while zoning out in class, drifting off to sleep, or just about anywhere. Just conjure up an image of your fave bad boy and all the dirty things you’d like to do to them or have them do to you. If you’re into girls then throw them into the mix, and if you find that trying to let your imagination wander feels like too much work, there’s always porn. Either way, this visual stimulation will help light the fire under your inner slut.
3. Break out the Lingerie
If you go to bed every night in sweats, you’re not going to feel sexy, and if you have a partner, he’s not exactly going to be overjoyed either. As women, we can give ourselves an easy boost by slipping on our sexiest underwear in the morning and crawling into bed in racy lingerie at night. This tip plays on our sense of touch as well as sight. If scratchy lace is not your thing, then consider wearing nothing at all or something smooth like silk or satin. Whatever makes you feel sexiest. And it doesn’t matter if no one but you sees it, because you’re reminding your brain that you are a sensual being and are going to dress like one.
4. Don’t Neglect Self-Care
We all know the power of a new haircut, a great massage, new perfume, or a good workout. If you’ve let yourself go or just haven’t been focusing on your appearance as much lately, it’s time to take a look in the mirror. What part of you needs a little extra attention today? Maybe you could use a quick pedi, try something new with your makeup, or put together a new outfit. This isn’t so much about looking good for the opposite sex or making him want you, as it is about treating yourself like the slutty goddess you are. When you feel good, you want to continue to feel good, and it’s the little things that can boost your mood and make you feel ready to take on the world (or that guy you’ve been crushing on).
5. Try Something New
When people get stuck in a rut, the easiest way to break out is to try something new and unexpected. Make a list of all the slutty adventures you have yet to have, a slut bucket list of sorts (find inspiration for your own list here). If you died tomorrow, would you regret never having done those things on the list? Use this list as a starting point, and go get your freak on.
Pick one thing you can start doing today to re-awaken your inner slut and do it. She misses you, and is ready to come out and play! Meow!