Here at Slutty Girl Problems, we’re so proud to have shared another year with you, and are excited to expand our sex-positive community in 2018! Starting as an anonymous Twitter account in 2011, and launching this site in 2014, women from all over the world have shared their stories, made a stand against slut-shaming and double standards, and forged a sex-positive, empowering community.

In 2017, we reached over 1.5 Million people all over the world, with 3.1 Million pages of sex-positive content read by you! We have over 3K weekly newsletter subscribers (you can sign up at the top of this post!) and 300K followers on social media. We’ve been mentioned in books, appeared on podcasts and radio, and contributed to tons of websites including Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, and Thrillist!


I was a guest on the amazing podcast, Tantra Punk, where we had an amazing conversation about finding empowerment and support, and many dimensions of sexuality, love and relationships. We dove deep into  practical tools and life hacks to help sexually adventurous people break free from shame, ignorance, jealousy, boredom, and more.


We were also published again! In “It’s Called Polyamory: Coming Out About Your Non-Monogamous Relationship”, an essential “roadmap” for explaining the nuances of non-monogamy, I shared a bit about my experience in creating a supportive, sex-positive community.

Sharing the Love

Slutty Girl Problems is incredibly proud to have been featured in amazing publications this year, including Marie Claire, Thrillist, and YourTango!

In Marie Claire, Gigi Engle and I talk about How “Phubbing”—AKA Phone Snubbing—Is Ruining Your Relationship. That article also appeared in Cosmopolitan Japan!

In Thrillist, I wrote about What It’s Like To Be in an Open Relationship With Two Men (where the comments ended up being totally hilarious. Apparently, I should be in a mental hospital!) and was later asked more about loving two people at the same time.

Slutty Girl Problems was also all over YourTango – with tons of articles re-shared to their readers! Find all of our posts for YourTango here.

The Future

Some unexpected hiccups put our previous projects on the back burner for 2017. Dreams of YouTube channels, podcasts, and personal sites were put on hold. We’re going through the midst of some soul-searching to find our next steps… and still have coaching, speaking, and orgasm workshops on the horizon! We’re staying dedicated to SGP, creating community, helping women feel empowered and authentically connected, and eliminating shame. All our future projects will support that.

Stay Updated

Sign up for our email list at the top of the site to be the first to know about new projects!

You can also follow both Slutty Girl Problems and myself all over social media – so you’ll stay updated with our latest content, and always be in the loop on what’s happening next. Here are those links, below!

SGP’s Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram | Pinterest

My Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Snapchat | YouTube

And, sign up for our weekly mailing list at the top of the page!