Maybe you’re still in school and summer has just arrived, or maybe you’re in the ~real world~ and just enjoying the warmer temperatures. Either way, summer always feels like the perfect time for increased socialization, tiny adventures, and long, crazy nights – either drunk or sober. There are always summer bucket lists floating around on the internet, ranging from fun things to do with the kids you’re babysitting to sexy adventures to have with your man to little things you can to do treat yourself on those hot summer nights. But what about spending time with your best friend? Maybe it’s a buddy from home that you only see over the summer or your roommate that you spend every second with anyway. Whatever the case, here are ten crazy, simple, and spontaneous things to do with your best friend this summer.
1. Plan a party.
It’s the perfect time of year to plan an outdoor party or bar crawl. Make a Facebook event and get your crew together to do something outdoors. Get a keg to save on recycling, or splurge on an Uber Black car to roll up to the club in style.
2. Get a tattoo.
Even if it’s just a henna tattoo or one of those two week temporary ones, get something fun to celebrate your friendship. Bonus points if you do it completely spontaneously. Even more bonus points if it’s something super meaningful to you two!
3. Go on a road trip.
A few summers ago, I went on a week-long road trip with my BFF. Maybe you can’t get time off of work and just want to plan a weekend- or day-long trip across the state or to the beach. Whatever the length or reason for your trip, choose a destination you’re both dying to visit and go!
4. Do something ~wholesome~.
My friend group always jokes about doing something “wholesome” – and it’s something we do a lot and have a lot of fun doing. Instead of our usual weekend benders, we plan a hiking trip at the park, head to a museum in the city, or schedule a night of video games in someone’s basement. Do something sober that involves a lot of bonding and is gentle on your wallet, whether that means painting one another’s nails or taking a yoga class together.
5. Be someone else.
My BFF and I have had this on our friendship bucket list forever. Go to a bar that’s nearby but not too local – one you’ve never been to before and where you won’t run into anyone you know. Make up names for yourselves and backstories, and then be those other people for the whole night. Things will only get messy if the bartender checks your ID. This is also a great way to have a spontaneous, mysterious no-strings make out on the dance floor. Your partner will never know who you really are and will be left guessing.
6. Daydrink.
There’s something about getting drunk while the sun is still up that instantly feels like vacation. Schedule a day to have beers or cocktails outside with your friends. Make sure to keep snacks and water available so no one gets sick or overheated!
7. Be tourists.
Be tourists in your own city! Visit a historical site that you haven’t been to since elementary school or try out a tourist experience locals from your city usually stay away from.
8. Read a book or watch a show together.
This one works for long distance friends, like college roomies, too! Pick a book or a show to read or binge together. After you finish the book, meet up or FaceTime one another to discuss it. If you choose a show, watch it together or on the same schedule, and talk about each episode.
9. Do something secret.
Do something together that no one else will know about. I’m not saying you should rob a bank or anything like that, but definitely choose something a little scandalous or rule-breaking. Go pool hopping, attend a sex party, get ass tattoos… You catch my drift.
10. Make a bucket list for next summer.
Now that you guys had an amazing summer together, plan how to make next summer even better!