Rooming with other people can be great. When you live with someone new, there is so much to figure out. Who’s going to take out the trash? Who showers in the morning? Who has early and late classes? Work schedules? Is it okay to wake them up? Is food okay in your room? When are quiet hours? The list goes on and on.
Sex is a very controversial and loaded topic and their views could be polar opposites from yours. This is just a warning; there is hope! As two people are thrown together in the roommate lottery, it is both of your responsibilities to make living with each other a pleasant and respectful experience. Your roommate is probably dying to have this conversation or is glad you had the guts to bring it up.
After inquiring about how they feel, use this time to assess how you need to phrase what you need for your sexuality. Your views don’t have to match and they know that. For an anti-sex roommate you could say something like, “I totally respect your views, sexuality is a really hard topic, but I grew up differently and I need some alone time from time to time. How would you like me to communicate that?”
Give your roommate an hour warning, then text them when it’s safe to re-enter. Whatever the case, remember that your roommate lives there too and while they can’t deny you all the time, they have the right to say no to you if they have a valid reason (big test, all-nighter, breakup, general life things). While your sexuality is all you boo, your living space is half theirs. Respect, communicate, then fornicate!