Let’s be real – there’s a dick stigma. And you know the issue I’m talking about: circumcised versus uncircumcised penises. People all over North America are talking about foreskin as if it’s something to avoid like the plague. But is it? Let’s break down the differences between circumcised and uncircumcised penises, and reveal the truth once and for all!
Circumcision was initially a Hebrew tradition. It was something exclusively Jewish people did on the eighth day after the child was born. The procedure involved removing the foreskin to prove their Abrahamic Covenant to God. (That’s right, circumcision was initially a religious act for Jews in the Abrahamic Covenant to purify their sexual desires and sins to help prepare themselves for their afterlife in heaven.) According to the Bible, God circumcised Abraham first, removing the parts of the penis that thoroughly stimulated sexual arousal, leaving the reproductive organs intact. Thus making a penis an organ for reproduction, not pleasure. Circumcision remains a Jewish tradition today. The foreskin is still removed on the eighth day at an important ceremony called a brit milah. However, currently, in most non-orthodox forms of Judaism, the foreskin being removed has nothing to do with desexualizing the penis.
Circumcision made its way into the United States shortly after the Second World War. Venereal diseases were at an all time high, and the circumcision movement started to ensure male cleanliness. Men were being circumcised in adulthood to avoid the spreading of STIs during the baby boom, and newborns were having their foreskins removed in non-religious ways for non-religious reasons. That’s essentially how it became such a prominent part of Western culture. After that, fathers who were circumcised would have their sons circumcised, and the tradition carried on to the present.
Normalizing Natural
Since circumcision became normalized for secular reasons, most North Americans with penises are circumcised, and we see a lot less foreskin during our hookups. But that’s no reason to hate on uncircumcised penises!
In the modern United States, there’s actually nothing hygienically beneficial about having a circumcised penis. Most places are exposed to clean running water and soap, allowing adequate cleanliness under the foreskin to be achieved easily. Here’s something to think about: people with vaginas in the United States do not experience female circumcision. However, if we don’t clean the area around our labia regularly, we can develop a white substance between our skin and labia called smegma. That’s right: smegma. So to respond to the argument that smegma is avoided by circumcision – smegma is something folks with vaginas can get, too, and all we’re obligated to do is clean, not have our labias removed.
Uncircumcised penises are generally only noticeable when flaccid. That’s because in the relaxed position, the foreskin covers the head of the penis. When erect, the foreskin is pulled back, revealing the tip of the penis and blending in with the shaft. Many women do not even notice if a man is uncircumcised because he is aroused for their entire sexual encounter.
During Sex
There is a difference when engaging sexually with a circumcised versus an uncircumcised penis. After being in a year long relationship with a partner who was circumcised, and a two year long relationship with someone uncircumcised, I can say there is undoubtedly a difference. The main difference becomes apparent during oral sex: With an uncircumcised penis, you guessed it, there’s more skin. Don’t cringe at that though – it actually makes our job easier.
As we perform oral sex, we need to use more than just our mouths to stimulate our partners. By moving and twisting our hands, we can help us stimulate our partner to completion. With a circumcised penis, it is relatively easy to do. But with an uncircumcised penis, it is effortless. The skin of the penis glides within your hand, creating more lubrication, and a lot less friction and pulling. Also, the foreskin contains tons of nerve endings, making it easier to bring your partner orgasm as they feel each roll of your tongue in detail. In my opinion, it’s always felt more natural performing oral sex on someone uncircumcised. That being said, there’s nothing disappointing about giving a blowjob to someone who is circumcised! If you like giving oral sex, in my experience, the presence or lack of foreskin on a penis will not strongly sway you one way or the other.
For penetration, there’s honestly no difference. Internally, we cannot feel if a penis has foreskin or not. There’s no definitive research proving whether or not the presence of foreskin has anything to do with internal pleasure for people with vaginas. The pleasure you get from penetration will be the same regardless of foreskin. You’ll still have a spine tingling orgasm, as long as your partner knows how to please you.
The main thing is: don’t get scared by uncircumcised penises. There’s nothing wrong with a little extra skin! Some girls even prefer it, for the ease of oral sex. If you’re skeeved out when you come across an uncircumcised penis, just think about how you would feel to be judged for your anatomy. Bodies are bodies, and people are people. To end with the classic cliché: don’t knock it till you try it!